Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Couldn't work out this morning...  had some cramps that prevented me from being able to exercise before I went to work.  I really hate that I didn't get to, but I guess that's just my body's way of saying "woah nelly."  I'll pick up tomorrow morning as long as my body permits me to do so.

So, it's gorgeous outside today.  The only thing is that it's absolutely cold and windy.  I mean, it's not freezing, but for Georgia weather, it's cold.  We're supposed to have yet another snow storm Wednesday night.  That will be our third accumulation this winter.  Holy cow.  I'm not really complaining, though, because I don't have to go to the gym to work out.  Yet another perk for in-home fitness with Tony Horton. 

Since it's pretty, though - I'm going to do a photoshoot with my friend/coworker today.  It's going to be fun!  There's a really cool Coca-Cola sign in the downtown area that would be an awesome backdrop, so we shall see how it goes.  :)

Hope everyone has a great day today!  I'll leave you with my favorite song for the day: 

"For the First Time" by The Script


  1. Hi! I followed your link from the Livestrong forum. :-) I wish our weather was nice. It's quite deceiving. It's a beautiful sunny day...but it's 25 degrees out. I've resorted to stay in all day. Luckily there's a 57* day in my near future! Have fun with the photoshoot!

    My blog is http://justvikie.blogspot.com

  2. Glad you dropped by! :) Geez, 25 degrees? That's crazy cold! Hopefully it's warmed up a little bit today for ya!
